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Leading Cases in the European Court of Human Rights’ Jurisprudence 2020

AufsätzeAndreas Th. Müller , Theresa M. Weiskopf**Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Andreas Th. Müller, LL.M. (Yale), andreas.mueller@uibk.ac.at ; Mag. Theresa M. Weiskopf, theresa.weiskopf@uibk.ac.at ; both: Department of European Law and Public International Law, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria.ZÖR 2021, 1371 Heft 4 v. 22.12.2021

Abstract The year 2020 brought the second advisory opinion under Protocol No. 16 of the Convention. The Grand Chamber dealt in a number of cases with core democratic values and harshly criticized in Selahattin Demirtaş the Turkish domestic authorities’ behavior towards oppositional politicians. Furthermore, it rendered for the first time a decision in an inter-State case between active EU members. In relation to Article 8 of the Convention, the Court emphasized that certain conditions trigger States’ positive obligations to provide access to safe drinking water.

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