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EFTA-GH: Datenschutzrechtliche Anforderungen an Webbasierte SMS-Dienste

JudikaturDatenschutzrechtClemens ThieleZIIR 2017, 292 Heft 3 v. 1.9.2017

Deskriptoren: SMS-Dienste, webbasierte; Datenschutzrecht; Telekommunikationsrecht; Elektronische Kommunikationsnetze; Netzdienste; Netzwerkbereitsteller; TK-Provider.

Normen: Art 2 RL 2002/21/EG

The definition in Art 2 lit a) of Directive 2002/21/EC for the term “electronic communications network" must be interpreted as encompassing a system allowing for the conveyance of signals written as an SMS message on a user’s end device, connected through a web browser, via the internet, to the PHP script software on a telecommunications undertaking’s web domain, which receives the signals, processes them and conveys them in turn to an SMS server in the undertaking’s communications system, which then conveys them over a network to the recipient telephone number.

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