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The Program of the Transition to the Convertibility of the Rouble

AufsätzeProf. Victor D. Belkin, D.Sc (Econ.), Andrei I. Kazmin, Ph.D., Andrei V. Tsimailo, Ph.D.ÖBA 1990, 585 Heft 8 v. 1.8.1990

Our program envisages the transition to the convertibility of the rouble in conjunction with the solution of the problem of the formation of the market economy. The proposed solution is based on the concept of the domestic convertible currency (DCR), which originates from the earnings from domestic sales to consumers as well as from exports. The DCR circulates in an account form and is used in internal wholesale trade transactions. The regional modification of this concept allows to begin the formation of the all-union market starting with the most advanced republics, regions and projected free economic zones. The appropriate mechanism of the formation of a market-type monetary and credit system is also outlined.

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