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Recent Austrian Practice in the Field of European Union Law

AufsätzeMartin Meisel , Christian Breitler , Daniela Kraschowetz , Daniel Kreuzhuber , Stefan Waizer**The following co-authors of this contribution are all or have recently been members of the Department for European Law of the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs: Ges. Mag. Martin Meisel, <martin.meisel@bmeia.gv.at >; Mag. Christian Breitler, <christian.breitler@bmeia.gv.at >; Mag.a Daniela Kraschowetz, LL.M. (Leiden); Att. Mag. Daniel Kreuzhuber, MA, <daniel.kreuzhuber@bmeia.gv.at >; Att. MMag. DDr. Stefan Waizer, MA <stefan.waizer@bmeia.gv.at >; all: Department I.6 – European Law, Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Minoritenplatz 8, 1010 Vienna, Austria, <abti6@bmeia.gv.at >.****We wish to particularly thank the Head of the Legal Service, Univ.-Prof. Bot. Dr. Helmut Tichy as well as the Legal Advisor at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union in Brussels, BR MMag. Dr. Philip Bittner, and Mag.a Andrea Krachler for their careful scrutiny of this report and for their helpful suggestions related to both substance and drafting.ZÖR 2020, 601 Heft 3 v. 15.9.2020

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