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Recent Austrian Practice in the Field of European Union Law

AufsätzePhilip Bittner , Julia Fuith , Andreas Hauser , Daniela Kraschowetz , Martin Meisel , Julia Prummer , Valentin Waibel**The following co-authors of this contribution are all or have recently been members of the Department for European Law of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs: Mag. Andreas Hauser, <andreas.hauser@bmeia.gv.at >; Mag. Julia Fuith, BA, LL.M.; Mag. Daniela Kraschowetz, LL.M. (Leiden), <daniela.kraschowetz@bmeia.gv.at >; Ges. Mag. Martin Meisel, <martin.meisel@bmeia.gv.at >; Mag. Julia Prummer, BA; Mag. Valentin Waibel; all: Department I.6 – European Law, Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, Minoritenplatz 8, 1010 Vienna, Austria, <abti6@bmeia.gv.at >.
BR MMag. Dr. Philip Bittner (<philip.bittner@bmeia.gv.at >) currently holds the post of the Legal Advisor at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union in Brussels.
ZÖR 2019, 553 Heft 3 v. 1.9.2019

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