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Recent Austrian practice in the field of international law -

AufsätzeHelmut Tichy , Konrad Bühler , Pia Niederdorfer**Univ.-Prof. Botschafter Dr. Helmut Tichy, <helmut.tichy@bmeia.gv.at >; Gesandter Dr. Konrad Bühler, <konrad.buehler@bmeia.gv.at >; Mag. Pia Niederdorfer, <pia.niederdorfer@bmeia.gv.at >; all: Office of the Legal Adviser (Völkerrechtsbüro), Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, Minoritenplatz 8, 1010 Vienna, Austria.ZÖR 2019, 135 Heft 1 v. 1.3.2019

Seite 135

Abstract This selection from Austria’s recent practice in the field of international law has been prepared, once again,11For the seven previous reports, see Tichy Helmut/Schusterschitz Gregor/Bittner Philip, Recent Austrian practice in the field of international law. Report for 2011, ZÖR 67 (2012) 157–193 (“Report for 2011"); Tichy Helmut/Schusterschitz Gregor/Bittner Philip, Recent Austrian practice in the field of international law. Report for 2012, ZÖR 68 (2013) 139–181 (“Report for 2012"); Tichy Helmut/Schusterschitz Gregor/Bittner Philip, Recent Austrian practice in the field of international law. Report for 2013, ZÖR 69 (2014) 177–220 (“Report for 2013"); Tichy Helmut/Bühler Konrad/Bittner Philip/Köhler Ulrike, Recent Austrian practice in the field of international law. Report for 2014, ZÖR 70 (2015) 123–172 (“Report for 2014"); Tichy Helmut/Bühler Konrad/Bittner Philip/Köhler Ulrike, Recent Austrian practice in the field of international law. Report for 2015, ZÖR 71 (2016) 103–156 (“Report for 2015"); Tichy Helmut/Bühler Konrad/Bittner Philip/Köhler Ulrike, Recent Austrian practice in the field of international law. Report for 2016, ZÖR 72 (2017) 121–168 (“Report for 2016") and Tichy Helmut/Bühler Konrad/Bittner Philip/Köhler Ulrike, Recent Austrian practice in the field of international law. Report for 2017, ZÖR 73 (2018) 147–191 (“Report for 2017"). by members of the legal service of the Austrian foreign ministry22Short for “Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs" (Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres – BMEIA), renamed in 2014. (“Office of the Legal Adviser", “Völkerrechtsbüro", VRB). We see our report as a contribution to our mutually inspiring dialogue with academics and with other practitioners active in the field of public international law. The highlight of this dialogue is the annual Austrian international law conference (“Österreichischer Völkerrechtstag"); some of the contributions made at its 43rd session (Wesenufer, 24–26 May

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