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The European Court of Human Rights’ Jurisprudence on Austria 2016

AufsatzAndreas Th. Müller**Assoz. Prof. MMag. Dr. Andreas Th. Müller, LL.M. (Yale), Institut für Europarecht und Völkerrecht, Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck, Österreich, < andreas.mueller@uibk.ac.at >.ZÖR 2017, 717 Heft 4 v. 1.12.2017

Abstract The year 2016 brought ten judgments in relation to individual applications directed against Austria, seven of which found a violation by Austria of the Convention. The pattern of the “usual suspects" in terms of affected Convention rights has widely remained intact. The reported judgments and inadmissibility decisions deal with Articles 6, 8, 10 as well as 34 and 35 of the Convention. The Court once again specifically reminded Austria that it had already repeatedly found violations of Article 6 due to the excessive length of proceedings.

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