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“Reconsidering Constitutional Formation" – Mid-term conference (Passau/Munich, September 2016)

AufsatzLaura R. Rathmanner**Mag. Laura R. Rathmanner, Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte, Abteilung FRQ, Universität Wien, Schottenbastei 10–16, 1010 Wien, Österreich, < laura.rosemarie.rathmanner@univie.ac.at >.ZÖR 2017, 395 Heft 2 v. 1.6.2017

Abstract From 19 to 21 September 2016, the mid-term conference of ReConFort, an international and multidisciplinary research project under the supervision of Ulrike Müßig, which is dedicated to investigating the cross-border interplays between constitutional processes and public debates in late 18th and 19th century Europe, took place in Passau and Munich. On the first two conference days, the participants, along with the members of the advisory board, had the opportunity to get a picture of the project’s progress and existing research findings, some of them also reflected in the recently published first ReConFort volume on National Sovereignty. The topics dealt with ranged from constitutional communication, the drafting and the precedence of various constitutions to sovereignty issues. The latter were also the subject matter of the two honorary lectures held by John Allison (Cambridge, UK) and Luigi Lacchè (Macerata, IT; ReConFort Advisory Board).

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