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The European Court of Human Rights’ Jurisprudence on Austria 2014

AufsatzAndreas Th. MüllerZÖR 2015, 825 Heft 4 v. 1.12.2015

Abstract 2014 stands out as a year in which only few – namely seven – judgments as well as four published inadmissibility decisions of the ECtHR in relation to individual applications against Austria are to be reported. In addition, the Austrian Government rather successfully defended itself before the Strasbourg Court, with only three judgments finding a violation of the Convention (all for excessive length of proceedings). However, in spite of the low number of cases decided in regard to Austria in 2014, the pattern of the “usual suspects" in terms of affected Convention rights – Articles 3 (regarding expulsion decisions based on the Dublin Regulation), 6, 8 and 10 – can still be observed.

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