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The European Court of Human Rights’ Jurisprudence on Austria 2013

AufsatzAndreas Th. MüllerZÖR 2015, 91 Heft 1 v. 1.3.2015

Abstract In 2013, the European Court of Human Rights delivered 15 judgments on individual applications against Austria. In ten of these, the Court decided that one or several guaranties of the Convention had been violated. The applications arose from various fields: They notably included non-refoulement cases under Article 3 (most of them under the ‘Dublin regime’), several Article 6 cases concerning the length of proceedings, the lack of decision by a tribunal, the failure to hold an oral hearing as well as the violation of the principle of fair trial and equality of arms, questions of private and family life (child custody under the Brussels IIa Regulation, second-parent adoption in same-sex couples, refusal to correct criminal records), freedom of

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