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Einsatz von Lehrenden einer österreichischen Fachhochschule an einer Betriebsstätte in Deutschland

SteuerrechtAufsatzMartina Rechbauer, Silke Rünger, Christian Sielaff, Sandra FaverisSWI 2022, 180 - 191 Heft 4 v. 1.4.2022

This article critically assesses the tax and social security law consequences for lecturers working at a permanent establishment of an Austrian university of applied sciences in Germany. From an Austrian tax perspective, the lecturer needs to be classified as either a full-time or a part-time lecturer, depending on the number of teaching hours. Part-time lecturers are usually treated as employees for tax and social security purposes in Austria but are classified as self-employed in Germany. This results in an international qualification conflict that needs to be resolved according to Art 15 of the tax treaty between Austria and Germany.

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