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New challenges in merger control in Europe – A reform of the referral system?

AbhandlungenPierre Goffinet11Pierre Goffinet is partner at Dal & Veldekens. Before joining Dal &Veldekens, Pierre Goffinet was in charge of referral requests of mergers to the European Commission for the Belgian Competition Authority. This article is partially based on a presentation which was given at the workshop held at the Polish Competition Authority (UOKiK), “New Challenges In Merger Control In Europe", on 12 September 2013, in Warsaw.ÖZK 2014, 12 Heft 1 v. 1.2.2014

I. Introduction

On 20 June 2013, the European Commission launched a public consultation on possible improvements to EU merger control in two areas: (i) minority shareholdings and (ii) the transfer of cases between the Commission and national competition authorities (hereafter, Case referrals ).

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