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Case note: Opinion of AG Kokott in the case Schenker: "ignorance" as a new defense in competition law proceedings?

EntscheidungenMarco Botta, Natalie Harsdorf3)3)Institute for European Integration Research, University of Vienna. Please, contact the author at: marco.botta@univie.ac.at 4)4)Case handler of the Austrian Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde. The views presented here are strictly personal.ÖZK 2013, 73 Heft 2 v. 1.4.2013

On 28th February 2013, Advocate General (AG) Kokott delivered her Opinion in the Case Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde (hereinafter Austrian National Competition Authority; Austrian NCA) v. Schenker.1)1)Opinion of the AG Kokott, delivered on 28th February 2013 in the Case C-681/11 , Bundeswettbewerbsbehrde v Schenker & Co AG and Others. The case originates from a request for a preliminary ruling submitted in 2011 by the Austrian High Cartel Court2)2)Austrian Supreme Court sitting as High Cartel Court, http://www.ogh.gv.at/ogh/index.php?nav=3 , last accessed on 25.3.2013. to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).

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