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Vienna Competition Conference 2010: "Industry v. Competition"

AbhandlungenNatalie Harsdorf Enderndorf1)1)Federal Competition Authority, Austria. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Authority.ÖZK 2010, 126 Heft 4 v. 30.8.2010

On the 9%gth%g of June 2010, the Austrian Federal Competition Authority (FCA) in cooperation with the European Commission Representation in Austria and the Federation of Austrian Industries organized a one day conference to facilitate a dialogue between competition authorities, including the European Commission, and the industry. Three panels discussed leniency, behavioural economics and private enforcement. The discussions were controversial but allowed to find common points of view and triggered a fruitful dialogue. This article attempts to summarize the different contributions and to draw conclusions, where possible. The conference brought over 150 participants to Vienna.

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