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Aus der Rechtsprechung des EuGH: De Baeck: Verbot der Diskriminierung der Veräußerung von Beteiligungen an ausländische Erwerber

Internationales SteuerrechtAbkommensrecht, Außensteuerrecht, EU-RechtUniv.-Ass. DDr. Georg Kofler LL.M. (New York)ÖStZ 2004/979ÖStZ 2004, 495 Heft 21 v. 2.11.2004

1. Art 43 EC and 48 EC preclude national legislation, such as Art 67(8) and 67 ter of the Belgian income tax code, in the version in force at the material time for the purposes of the main proceedings, pursuant to which gains secured on the assignment for valuable consideration, otherwise than in the exercise of a business activity, of shares or stock in companies, associations, establishments or bodies, attract a charge to tax where the transfer is made to companies, associations, establishments or bodies established in another Member State, whereas, in the same circumstances, those gains are not chargeable to tax where that transfer is made to Belgian companies, associations, establishments or bodies, provided that the shareholding transferred gives its holder definite influence over the company's decisions and allows him to determine its activities.

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