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Contagion and Spillovers - New Insights from the Crisis*)*)Peter Backe, Martin Feldkircher, Ernest Gnan und Mathias Lahnsteiner sind Mitarbeiter der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank.
The proceedings of this conference will soon be published by SUERF and BWG. For further information please contact BWG at office@bwg.at , or SUERF at Suerf@oenb.at .

TagungsberichtPeter Backé, Martin Feldkircher, Ernest Gnan, Mathias LahnsteinerÖBA 2010, 449 Heft 7 v. 1.7.2010

On February 12, 2010 SUERF - The European Money and Finance Forum, the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and the Bankwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft continued their established tradition of jointly organised conferences. As evidenced also by the 115 conference participants, this year's subject of "Contagion and Spillovers - New Insights from the Crisis" turned out to be particularly topical, as first lessons from the financial crisis and global recession were being drawn, while concerns about Greece's government debt problems were threatening to spread to other countries within the euro area, with potential negative repercussions for the euro area as a whole being feared by observers.

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