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Regulatory Impact Assessment of Implementing the Modified Consumer Credit Directive (CCD)

Berichte und AnalysenProf. Dr. Wlodzimierz SzpringerÖBA 2008, 149 Heft 3 v. 1.3.2008

The European Commission has not done the regulatory impact assessment (RIA) of the first draft of the Consumer Credit Directive (CCD) in 2001 because there was no obligation to do it. However, the European Parliament also did not make it despite the fact that the first draft was, substantially, changed several times. That is why the last proposal is in fact the new text. The British consulting firm and the Polish team at the Warsaw School of Economics have made recently the RIA of the CCD. The result has surprisingly confirmed the fears of many academics and experts: the extended obligations of suppliers do not give any added value in terms of consumer protection. Real aims of the CCD differ from the declared ones, so - in the light of the impact assessment methodology - such regulation should not be passed.

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