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The Jurisprudence on JCE III - The Danger of Extended Criminal Law?

Wissenschaftliche AbhandlungenWolfgang Schomburg**Former permanent judge (2001 - 2008) of ICTY/ICTR. Former judge of the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof). Copyright retained by the author.JSt 2010, 131 Heft 4 v. 1.7.2010

I. Introduction

In the recent past, hardly another topic in international criminal law has divided the minds of academics and practitioners alike as heavily as the dogmatic figure of Joint Criminal Enterprise (JCE)11An abbreviation not intended to mean "Just Convict Everyone" as interpreted by some scholars. Cf eg Badar, M. E. "Just Convict Everyone!" - Joint Perpetration: From Tadic to Stakic and Back Again, 6 International Criminal Law Review (2006), pp 293 et seq, quoting the father of the cynical remark, Bill Schabas. created for the purpose of imposing individual criminal liability in situations of mass atrocities and collective criminal activity. This holds true especially in regard to the third category of the doctrine, the so-called extended JCE (JCE III). It is without calling for speculation to state that the division of minds seemingly follows the distinction between learned practitioners of criminal law and academics from public international law. Strictness v. flexibility! Self-restraint v. wishful thinking? Conservatism v. "Grotian Moments"22Scharf, M., Seizing the "Grotian Moment": Accelerated Formation of Customary International Law in Times of Fundamental Change, 2010.?

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