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BGBl III 70/2014



70. Kundmachung: Berichtigung der Kundmachung des Luftverkehrsabkommens zwischen der Österreichischen Bundesregierung und der Regierung von Turkmenistan samt Anhang

70. Kundmachung des Bundesministers für Kunst und Kultur, Verfassung und öffentlichen Dienst betreffend die Berichtigung der Kundmachung des Luftverkehrsabkommens zwischen der Österreichischen Bundesregierung und der Regierung von Turkmenistan samt Anhang

Auf Grund des § 10 Z 1 des Bundesgesetzblattgesetzes - BGBlG, BGBl. I Nr. 100/2003 idgF, wird kundgemacht:

Die veröffentlichte englische Sprachfassung des Luftverkehrsabkommens zwischen der Österreichischen Bundesregierung und der Regierung von Turkmenistan samt Anhang, BGBl. III Nr. 113/2013, wird wie folgt berichtigt:

1. In Art. 13 werden nach Abs. 3 folgende Abs. 4 - 8 angefügt:

„4. Neither Contracting Party shall allow its designated airline or airlines, either in conjunction with any other airline or airlines or separately, to abuse market power in a way which has or is likely or intended to have the effect of severely weakening a competitor or excluding a competitor from a route.

5. Neither Contracting Party shall provide or permit state subsidy or support for or to its designated airline or airlines in such way that would adversely affect the fair and equal opportunity of the airlines of the other Contracting Party to compete in providing international air transportation.

6. State subsidy or support means the provision of support on a discriminatory basis to a designated airline, directly or indirectly, by the state or by a public or private body designated or controlled by the state. Without limitation, it may include the setting-off of operational losses; the provision of capital, non-refundable grants or loans on privileged terms; the granting of financial advantages by forgoing profits or the recovery of sums due; the forgoing of a normal return on public funds used; tax exemptions; compensation for financial burdens imposed by the public authorities; or discriminatory access to airport facilities, fuels or other reasonable facilities necessary for the normal operation of air services.

7. Where a Contracting Party provides state subsidy or support to a designated airline in respect of services operated under this Agreement, it shall require that airline to identify the subsidy or support clearly and separately in its accounts.

8. If one Contracting Party has substantiated concerns that its designated airlines are being subjected to discrimination or unfair practices, or that a subsidy or support being considered or provided by the other Contracting Party would adversely affect or is adversely affecting the fair and equal opportunity of the airlines of the first Contracting Party to compete in providing international air transportation, it shall have the right to suspend the exercise of the rights specified in Article 2 of the present agreement by the airline designated by the other Contracting Party, or to revoke the operating authorization, or to impose such conditions as it may deem necessary on the exercise of these rights."

2. Die zusätzliche Seitennummerierung beginnend auf Seite 16 bis einschließlich Seite 33 wird gestrichen.


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