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BGBl II 234/2009



234. Verordnung: Änderung der Verordnung betreffend die Frequenzbereichszuweisung

234. Verordnung der Bundesministerin für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, mit der die Verordnung betreffend die Frequenzbereichszuweisung geändert wird

Auf Grund des § 51 Abs. 2 des Bundesgesetzes, mit dem ein Telekommunikationsgesetz erlassen wird (Telekommunikationsgesetz 2003-TKG 2003), BGBl. I Nr. 70/2003, zuletzt geändert durch das Bundesgesetz BGBl. I Nr. 133/2005 sowie das Bundesgesetz BGBl. I Nr. 3/2009, wird verordnet:

Die Frequenzbereichszuweisungsverordnung, BGBl. II Nr. 306/2005, zuletzt geändert durch die Verordnung BGBl. II Nr. 524/2006, wird wie folgt geändert:

1. Der den Frequenzbereich 790-862 MHz betreffende Eintrag der Anlage 1 lautet wie aus der Anlage zu dieser Verordnung hervorgeht.

2. Die Fußnoten 5.312, 5.31, 5.315, 5.316, 5.316B, 5.317A und 5.319 in Anlage 2 lauten:

„5.312 Additional allocation: in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, the Czech Rep., Romania, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, the band 645-862 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical radionavigation service on a primary basis. (WRC-03)

5.314 Additional allocation: in Austria, Italy, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, the United Kingdom and Swaziland, the band 790 - 862 MHz is also allocated to the land mobile service on a secondary basis.

5.315 Alternative allocation: in Greece, Italy, and Tunisia, the band 790 - 838 MHz is allocated to the broadcasting service on a primary basis.

5.316 Additional allocation: in Germany, Saudi Arabia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Greece, Israel, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Jordan, Kenya, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Liechtenstein, Mali, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the Syrian Arab Republic, Serbia, Sweden and Switzerland, the band 790-830 MHz, and in these same countries and in Spain, France, Gabon and Malta, the band 830-862 MHz, are also allocated to the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service on a primary basis. However, stations of the mobile service in the countries mentioned in connection with each band referred to in this footnote shall not cause harmful interference to, or claim protection from, stations of services operating in accordance with the Table in countries other than those mentioned in connection with the band. This allocation is effective until 16. June 2015. (WRC-07)

5.316B In Region 1, the allocation to the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service on a primary basis in the frequency band 790-862 MHz shall come into effect from 17 June 2015 and shall be subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21 with respect to the aeronautical radionavigation service in countries mentioned in No. 5.312. For countries party to the GE06 Agreement, the use of stations of the mobile service is also subject to the successful application of the procedures of that Agreement. Resolutions 224 (Rev.WRC-07) and 749 (WRC-07) shall apply. (WRC-07)5.317A Those parts of the band 698-960 MHz in Region 2 and the band 790-960 MHz in Regions 1 and 3 which are allocated to the mobile service on a primary basis are identified for use by administrations wishing to implement International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT). See Resolutions 224 (Rev.WRC-07) and 749 (WRC-07). This identification does not preclude the use of these bands by any application of the services to which they are allocated and does not establish priority in the Radio Regulations. (WRC-07)

5.317A Those parts of the band 698-960 MHz in Region 2 and the band 790-960 MHz in Regions 1 and 3 which are allocated to the mobile service on a primary basis are identified for use by administrations wishing to implement International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT). See Resolutions 224 (Rev.WRC-07) and 749 (WRC-07). This identification does not preclude the use of these bands by any application of the services to which they are allocated and does not establish priority in the Radio Regulations. (WRC-07)

5.319 Additional allocation: in Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine, the bands 806 - 840 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 856 - 890 MHz (space-to-Earth) are also allocated to the mobile-satellite, except aeronautical mobile-satellite (R), service. The use of these bands by this service shall not cause harmful interference to, or claim protection from, services in other countries operating in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations and is subject to special agreements between the administrations concerned.“

Anlage 1



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